This is a bit of a weight loss blog (gosh I remember when I didn't even know what a blog was and now look at them all), anyhoos hopefully I'll get a bit of motivation from this.

Monday, October 09, 2006

On the train in the way in, our sober selves...

After a few (many) beers.

The photos after this get very blurry and mainly involve song sheets and us singing at the tops of our lungs.
A brilliant time!

By the way, if anyone knows of anyone looking for a flatty, please let me know. My flatmates are driving me balmy. All I need is a garage for the bikes and I'm happy. I work out East Auckland so anything around Botany etc would be grand.

Gee time flys

Once again, I hadn't realised that its been so much time since I posted. I read other blogs regularly so I just seem to think that mine updates magically too :).
I've been busy since the last time I posted. I applied for a new job, got offered it, but in the end decided to stick with my current job.
I've spent a couple of weeks on Sydney working, had an absolutely brilliant time with a great project team. My time in sydney had a lot to do with why I decided to stay at my current job. The project leader is a great time, and I've a huge amount of respect for how he does his job and it started me thinking, maybe I should work towards project management.
It was a very stressful time trying to decide what to do, with only a week to make up my mind. It obviously affected me a lot as I had a nightmare one night which was truely terrifying. I know no-one likes to hear about dreams but...
I was taking a shower, when a man all in black came in with something black over his head. There were other people not too far away, and I tried to scream but he hit me extremely hard in the head and I couldn't scream and before I blacked out, I knew that I was going to be raped/killed. It was the most terrifying feeling in the world and my terror was palpable when I woke up.
I can start to understand how rape victims never get over the terror. It took me a long time to get back to sleep that night.

A bunch of us went to beerfest at Alexandra Park Friday night, had a great time. They got all the girls up at one point and we had to do this cheerleading knees up mother brown thing. For some bizarre reason, I won, not quite sure how, but my friend Sandy said she helped by pointing out I've got huge tits. Gee thanks. Anyway won a bottle of Moet Champange and some Paris perfume which is a pretty cool prize.
Got home at 3am, love catching the train home, so cheap! Saturday was very quiet indeed. We did drive down to hamilton to pickup a redbull trolley racer that Greg brought for its race wheels but it wasn't quite what we thought it would be, so greg changed his mind. He knew the buy selling it, so it there weren't any problems.

We got home T 6pm and lay down for a 20min nap since we were still so shattered from the copius amounts of beer the night before, and before we knew it we work up the next morning at 7am! Couldn't believe we'd slept for 13 hours!!!

We went riding out at Woodhill on the dirt bikes, I'm not sure what was up with me, but I had quite a few hard crashes so have some good bruises today and my muscles especially around my shoulders and chest are really quite painful. I might be able to use them as a convenient excuse not to go to the gym tomorrow....

Talking of the Tuesday night session, I went last Tuesday and they've changed the format or something, now its the Max fit class, and I have never been to a harder gym session. I sweated like a pig (tmi) and was completely knackered by the end so I'm not sure my sore muscles will cope with tomorrow.

Will see if I can post some charming photos of us at beerfest.