This is a bit of a weight loss blog (gosh I remember when I didn't even know what a blog was and now look at them all), anyhoos hopefully I'll get a bit of motivation from this.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hmm, its been a while!

Morning weight: 69.2 (was 69.4 on Saturday)

Points eaten yesterday: 19.5

Exercise: Nada


Well it’s been a while since I updated so I thought I should pull finger and write something (not that anyone reads this!). I’ve been really busy with racing, travelling and all that. I’ve also NOT been losing weight and the pair of jeans I use to measure my fatness are rather tight. Bad leo!

So yesterday was the start of leo-stop-eating-everything again and so far its being going good.


I brought a copy of the Healthy Eating magazine. They’ve got a great looking recipe for lasagne in there that I will have to try sometime. Anyway they talk about your metabolism and how’s its made up of 3 parts. Your basal (basic) metabolism is the amount of energy required to tick over in a steady state and makes up 60-80% of energy used by sedentary adults. The diet-induced thermo-genesis is the amount of energy needed to process food eaten, and the last bit and only bit we can really control is physical activity and can vary the metabolism rate from 10-15% in lazy people to up to 50% in active people.

They also made the comment that people losing weight lose lean muscle mass which slows down your metabolism so it becomes even more important to exercise to try and not lose that when dieting. So I need to keep that in mind and kick my own ass to do some exercise.

Although in saying that, my quads are extremely sore at the moment from racing, and I can barely hobble along let alone exercise! I even resorted to buying deep heat last night to rub on them. Wish I had brought it to work today.


I made a big batch of pumpkin and chickpea soup last night to bring for lunches. With a bit of light sour cream on top and some toast it’s divine! I had a WW cheesy macaroni last night for dinner, its not the best but at least it was hot and went some way to filling the gap.


One last thing, what ever you do DO NOT buy the Tip Top Cookies and Cream icecream. It is soooo good with huge chunks of cookie and so so so bad!


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